Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Words of Encouragement

Dearest Joey,
Momma knows this time of transition will be challenging for you. My heart aches knowing the pain of separation you will endure when you enter our family. I promise to be there for you and to comfort you with a soothing tone and open arms. Your Chinese name means "brave" and I know you are already a brave little boy. I want you to know that if you do not feel like being brave, it is okay. I will be there and I will be brave for you.
God gives us great pearls of wisdom in His word. I would like to quote a passage from Deuteronomy 31:6 that seems to fit this moment.
"Be brave and steadfast; have no fear or dread of them, for it is the Lord, your God, who marches with you; He will never fail you or forsake you."
I love you my sweet son. I will be there to get you in four more days!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Single Digits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it!!!!!!!!!!!! I am amazed at how the time has flown!! 9 more days to take-off!! WooHoo!! Joey, your MaMa and BaBa will there soon :-)
Joey was doing a puzzle Monday morning on the webcam and he tapped the nanny on the shoulder and pointed to the webcam. He wanted to go sit in front of the camera and show us his work! What a good job you did Joey!! We are so proud of you!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The countdown to departure is now underway! Today is ten days from our trip to China! I am so happy!!! I am also very reflective of the changes that are about to take place in our family as we add another member to its ranks. I find myself waking up and looking at Joey's bed and wondering what his mornings will be like once he is here. Will he look out at me with eyes filled with hope and trust or will he regard me as the enemy who took him away from all he knows and is familiar with. Possible a bit of both at times.
Funny how a particular time of day is more intimidating than another. Mornings are tight on time because I drive our daughter to school each day, so leaving on time is important. I pray for smooth least for most days...after all...everyone has a bad morning once in awhile :-) We are not "early to bed people", so if he is having trouble getting to sleep at 8pm, we have a few hours to play with. I do, however, pray for his transition into our time zone. It will a rough couple of weeks adjusting to the 14 hour difference.
Well, I need to go do something productive today..after all..I ONLY HAVE 10 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!